Resources by Lee Strobel - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Lee Strobel

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Passionate Conviction: Modern Discourses on Christian Apologetics

Passionate Conviction: Modern Discourses on Christian Apologetics

by Paul Copan, Norman Geisler, William Lane Craig, Lee Strobel, N. T. Wright, J. P. Moreland, Francis J. Beckwith, Greg Koukl, Charles L Quarles, Gary Habermas and L Russ Bush

Is your heart on fire for God?Passionate Conviction brings together the most popular and heart-stirring presentations in defense of Christianity from the annual fall conference on apologetics held in association with the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the C. S. Lewis Institute, and the Christian Apologetics program at Biola University.Applicable to pasto… Read more…

Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christ

Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christ

by Lee Strobel

Narrated by Lee Strobel

Has modern scholarship debunked the traditional Christ? Has the church suppressed the truth about Jesus to advance its own agenda? What if the real Jesus is far different from the atoning Savior worshipped through the centuries?In The Case for the Real Jesus, former award-winning legal editor Lee Strobel explores such hot-button questions as:Did the church s… Read more…

The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity

The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity

by Lee Strobel and Alex McFarland

Society today has a growing number of objections and concerns regarding Christianity. Why does a loving God let bad things happen? Would God really send someone to hell? And why is Christianity right and other religions in error? Many Christians hear objections to Christianity and have a crisis of faith. Enter Alex McFarland, a seasoned apologist who is read… Read more…

Paul Meets Muhammad: A Christian-Muslim Debate on the Resurrection

Paul Meets Muhammad: A Christian-Muslim Debate on the Resurrection

by Lee Strobel and Michael R. Licona

Imagine if the Apostle Paul were alive to defend the truth of Jesus's resurrection-only to be countered by none other than the prophet Muhammad himself.In an approach as creative as any scholar has taken, Michael R. Licona describes an invention that can make historical figures appear alive and present. Imagining an audience of both Christians and Muslim… Read more…

God's Outrageous Claims: Thirteen Discoveries That Can Transform Your Life

God's Outrageous Claims: Thirteen Discoveries That Can Transform Your Life

by Lee Strobel

Narrated by Lee Strobel

Lose your life to save it… The first will be last… The meek will inherit the earth… Many of Jesus' claims clashed with common sense and turned logic on its head. But these are the very things that are so compelling about following him—the very things that can change the entire trajectory of your life.Lee Strobel—author of… Read more…

Case for Christmas: A Journalist Investigates the Identity of the Child in the Manger

Case for Christmas: A Journalist Investigates the Identity of the Child in the Manger

by Lee Strobel and Dick Fredricks

Narrated by Lee Strobel and Dick Fredricks

Who was in the manger that first Christmas morning? And how can we know for sure? In The Case for Christmas, award-winning legal journalist Lee Strobel tells us that somewhere beyond the traditions of the holiday lies the truth.Some say that newborn baby would become a great moral leader. Others, a social critic. Still others view Jesus as a profound philoso… Read more…

Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates the New Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates the New Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

by Lee Strobel

Narrated by Lee Strobel

Discover the astonishing evidence for intelligent design in this New York Times bestselling book by award-winning journalist Lee Strobel."My road to atheism was paved by science . . . but, ironically, so was my later journey to God," Strobel says.During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was obsolete, a belief that colored his journali… Read more…

Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry and Mary: How to Reach Friends and Family Who Avoid God and the Church

Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry and Mary: How to Reach Friends and Family Who Avoid God and the Church

by Bill Hybels, Lee Strobel and Adam Black

Narrated by Bill Hybels, Lee Strobel and Adam Black

Who Are Unchurched Harry and Mary?He or she could be the neighbor who is perfectly happy without God. Or the coworker who scoffs at Christianity. Or the supervisor who uses Jesus’ name only as profanity. Or the family member who can’t understand why religion is so important.Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry and Mary is an action plan to he… Read more…

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Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus

Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus

by Lee Strobel and Dick Fredricks

Narrated by Lee Strobel and Dick Fredricks

A seasoned journalist chases down the biggest story in history.The Project: Determine if there's credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God. The Reporter: Lee Strobel, educated at Yale Law School, award-winning former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune--with a background of atheism. The Experts: A dozen scholars, with doctorates f… Read more…

Grow Your Church from the Outside In

Grow Your Church from the Outside In

by Lee Strobel and George Barna

According to the author, America has more unchurched people than the entire populations of all but 11 of the world's 194 nations! Based on research among several thousand unchurched people, the book discusses their values, attitudes, beliefs, religious practices, demographics, life goals, and spiritual expectations. Using additional research conducted am… Read more…

(Number of titles: 115)